Mark Power

Mark, once a severe stutterer himself, is dedicated to providing effective stuttering treatment to all people who stutter. Mark presents “hands-on” training workshops on stuttering therapy techniques to many school districts, hospitals, and practices in California, in the United States, and internationally. Furthermore, he has been on the faculty of the Communicative Disorders Department at California State University, Long Beach. He was the Fluency Coordinator for the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Mark maintains a private practice in Orange County, California treating adults and children who stutter.

Stuttering Blocks – What Are They?

Fluency Shaping TechniquesStuttering blocks occur in the connected speech of people who stutter. Stuttering “blocks”  are usually categorized as:      Repetitions – Repeating the same sound or syllable several times. Repetitions usually occur at the beginning of words although sometimes at the end or even the middle syllable. The schwa sound “uh” is commonly […]

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What Causes Stuttering in Adults

People who stutter want to know, “What causes stuttering in adults?” Most began stuttering when they were children. Usually, stuttering begins in the preschool years, about 2 to 5 years of age. This is also the time young children start to develop language skills that will allow them to communicate verbally. Physiological causes Early pioneers

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Adult Stuttering Therapy Workshop in Hong Kong

Most people who stutter are very discouraged about stuttering therapy for adults. I have seen this in my private practice, and on social media. I have seen that they have been through countless attempts at improving their fluency through therapy in the schools and by speech therapists’ offices. Lack of Training in Adult Stuttering Therapy Unfortunately, about

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