
Finding a Stuttering Treatment That Works

Finding a stuttering treatment that works can be a challenge. People who stutter have tried stuttering many therapy programs and have been disappointed in the results. They are usually in a lot of pain because of their stuttering and need to find a stuttering treatment that works.
 stuttering treatment that works
Not only is it hard to get the words out, but speaking and communication are skills needed to succeed today. Most jobs require good communication skills. Relationships with other people are formed and developed using verbal communication. 

The internet is full of cleverly promoted, but ineffective so-called “cures” for stuttering. Any therapist who promises a cure for stuttering should be avoided. There is no cure for stuttering at this time. Who knows, maybe in the future there will be a pill or an injection that will cure stuttering. I sure hope so. But it’s not available right now.

Using Scientific Research Studies To Find A Stuttering Treatment

 So how do you find a stuttering treatment program that is effective? The most logical way is to use published research findings from peer-reviewed journals in speech pathology to select the best treatments. Using the internet, it is possible to find abstracts and full-text articles that review the outcomes of treatment programs.

There has been little research on the effectiveness of Stuttering Modification. One study shows that it is less effective than Fluency Shaping. There have been many research studies on Fluency Shaping. Most show significant reductions in stuttering. Especially when the program is provided as an intensive stuttering therapy program by a stuttering specialist.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Mark Power to find out if this program is for you.

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