Stop Stuttering Video

how to stop stuttering videoWatch this stop stuttering video from Mark Power, M.A., CCC, BCS-F a Board-certified Stuttering Specialist. 

You will see tips on how to stop stuttering that you can use even before you decide to enter formal treatment. Some of the stuttering tips described are:

  • how to use. pausing
  • how to plan phrases
  • how to say exactly what you want to say

You do all these things when you sing. That’s why you don’t stutter when you sing.

If you could sing everything you wanted to say you wouldn’t stutter – but it would sound really strange!

Try just using pausing every few words and keeping your voice on during the phrases.

This accomplishes several things:

  1. Your speaking rate is slower because you pause more often 
  2. Your brain is better able to plan what comes out because it is a shorter phrase 
  3. You don’t overload your brain with too much information 

Take as much time as you need, during the pause, to plan your next phrase.  Don’t try to think of what you are saying while you are talking. Plan what to say during the pause before the phrase.

Try this in easy speaking situations at first until you get the hang of it.

This is only the first step in learning how to stop stuttering, but you can try this on your own.

If you want to make permanent changes, you need someone to guide you through intensive stuttering therapy.

Watch this How To Stop Stuttering Video below:

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Mark Power ASHA Board Certified Stuttering Specialist
Mark, once a severe stutterer himself, is dedicated to providing effective stuttering treatment to all people who stutter. Mark presents “hands-on” training workshops on stuttering therapy techniques to many school districts, hospitals, and practices in California, in the United States, and internationally. Furthermore, he has been on the faculty of the Communicative Disorders Department at California State University, Long Beach. He was the Fluency Coordinator for the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Mark maintains a private practice in Orange County, California treating adults and children who stutter. Mark was a severe stutterer himself for 35 years. After graduate training and specialist certification, he is now helping other people who stutter.

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