It’s OK to Stutter – But It’s Also OK Not to Stutter

Mark Power Stuttering Specialist

I want to talk to the people who stutter who are reading this blog.

Recently, I have been to several workshop and seminars that present information to people who stutter and speech-language pathologists  The message I hear most clearly is that stuttering is OK and is not the fault of the person who stammers. This is absolutely true.

The problem for people who stutter

The problem comes when the presenters advise therapists to tell children and adults to accept their stammering now because they will be stammering in some form or another for the rest of their lives. This is absolutely NOT TRUE. There is a wealth of evidence from scientific research studies that adults have a good chance of eliminating their problem with effective, evidence-based treatment programs. The literature is also full of accounts of recovered stammerers. Some have even recovered without therapy.

My point

My point is that it is a grave disservice to assume that children past a certain age will continue to stutter for the rest of their lives and they had better accept it. This is simply not true and robs these children of any hope they might have of recovering from stammering in the future. Besides the therapy programs that have been shown to be effective, what if a medication or a neurological procedure is finally developed that eliminates stuttering. We don’t have one now, but prominent researchers are dedicating their lives and careers to find such answers.

I believe that that stuttering is absolutely OK and that people who stutter have a choice. They can choose to be comfortable with their stuttering or they can get some help to try to overcome it. I stuttered for most of my life until I found a therapy program that worked for me. It may not work for everybody, but they need to know that it is possible to replace stuttering with fluent natural sounding speech. To withhold this message is to hide an important part of the truth.

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Mark Power ASHA Board Certified Stuttering Specialist
Mark, once a severe stutterer himself, is dedicated to providing effective stuttering treatment to all people who stutter. Mark presents “hands-on” training workshops on stuttering therapy techniques to many school districts, hospitals, and practices in California, in the United States, and internationally. Furthermore, he has been on the faculty of the Communicative Disorders Department at California State University, Long Beach. He was the Fluency Coordinator for the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Mark maintains a private practice in Orange County, California treating adults and children who stutter. Mark was a severe stutterer himself for 35 years. After graduate training and specialist certification, he is now helping other people who stutter.

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