Replace Stuttering With A New Way Of Talking

Most people who stutter can tell you that their stuttering started somewhere during the pre-school age. I don’t actually remember that time, but my mother tells me that not only did I stutter – but I was teased a lot by the neighbor kid! In this post we are going to discuss how to Replace Stuttering with a new way of talking.

replace stuttering
Enjoy talking without stuttering

Here’s what I think happened when I first tried to talk…

I had something to say – probably a couple of words – and I tried to say them. I had to have a plan so that I used the right words in the right order and my brain was able to control the muscles to make the sounds come out right. The problem was that after one or two words, or maybe at the beginning, I blocked – nothing came out!

So, I tried to say it again. It happened again! I blocked! It wouldn’t come out!

So I tried to:

  • push it out
  • or changed the words
  • or put some um’s and ah’s in there so I could get through the words.

Finally, it came out – but it was NOT what I had planned to say in the first place. I had to change the plan. I never got that far to say what I wanted to say. Sound familiar??

I call this “Survival Speech”. Just getting it out the best you can. Unfortunately, it usually doesn’t come out like you planned it.

Now, after 35 years I was still using this “Survival Speech”. It wasn’t until I went to my Intensive Stuttering Therapy Program and learned a completely new way of talking that I was able to replace stuttering and override my survival speech, with the planned speech that other normal speakers use.

It took me a while ( 10 hours) to learn this new way of talking and replace stuttering. Imagine not being able to plan a phrase, and not have it come out right for your whole life. After I was able to say what I wanted to say, I had to learn how to plan phrases like everyone else learned when they were first talking.

The results were amazing! Not only did I not stutter, but I sounded a lot more organized because I could say what I wanted to say.

This was a new beginning for me.

Sign up for a Free Consultation with Mark Power to find out if this program is for you.
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Mark Power ASHA Board Certified Stuttering Specialist
Mark, once a severe stutterer himself, is dedicated to providing effective stuttering treatment to all people who stutter. Mark presents “hands-on” training workshops on stuttering therapy techniques to many school districts, hospitals, and practices in California, in the United States, and internationally. Furthermore, he has been on the faculty of the Communicative Disorders Department at California State University, Long Beach. He was the Fluency Coordinator for the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Mark maintains a private practice in Orange County, California treating adults and children who stutter. Mark was a severe stutterer himself for 35 years. After graduate training and specialist certification, he is now helping other people who stutter.

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